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Wisdom hiddden in words

Crippled (physically challanged).
Retarded (mentally challenged).
Blind (visually challanged).

Why the following words do not have passive form? Weren't they necessary during the entire history?! It seems that nobody can force some things to do their job and they do them by their own decisions. Is it a hidden wisdom that is carried to our languages? Who knows...

Rain - Laugh
Nothing can force a cloud to rain. A peice of cloud never "is rained". It rains! We laugh. Nobody can force us to laugh. We "are not laughed".

Happen - Resemble
When somethings happens, it happens! Very simple! When something is similar to the other one, it resembles the other one. Nothing in the universe can force anything to be resembled.

Die - Live
We live! We die! simple! No force!!

Appear - Disappear
When something appears, it appears. Nobody can force anything to be appered or dispeared!

Faint - Succeed
The sun light faints. It "is not fainted". You succeed! You "are not succeeded"!! There is no force to make you succeeded!

Some similarities:

* A positive thought is like a bandage that is wound around a wound!
* A positive thinker is like a oarsman around who there are a row about how to row!
* When you are disapointed, you are too close to the door to close it!
* Do you know how to stitch the tear in your thoughts? By action!
* Sometimes you should stop. The wind is too strong to wind the sail.
* After a number of Novocian injections, your jaw gets number. After a number of sad thoughts, your mind gets number!
* I shed a tear when I saw the tear in my hopes!

Some errors:

A "LARGER" audience NOT more audience
We "HOOK" up the habits NOT took up our habits
"Not so far in past" NOT so long ago
"Parents can be a good role model" NOT parents can do a good role!

A Suggestion for a talk:

Don't let your voice trail off!

A nice way of explaining the conditional forms:

1) TIMELESS (valid at any time)
If X then Y.
X = simple present verb;
Y = simple present verb.

Example: If water is heated to 100 degree, it boils.

2) FUTURE (valid soon)
If X then Y.
X = simple present verb;
Y = will/can/might + root.

Example: If it rains on the weekend, we'll cancle the picnic.

3) PAST (unrealized in past!!)
If X then Y.
X = past perfect verb;
Y = would/could/might + perfect root.

Example 1: If I had had more time to write the exam, it could have made a difference. (I'm sorry! Next time Inshalah!)
Example 2: If I had written the paper, I might have had time to enjoy this summer. (I'm sorry! Next summer Inshalah!)

4) PRESENT (highly unlikely to be realized now!)
If X then Y.
X = simpe past (or "were" or "were to" + root)
Y = would/could/might + root

Example 1: If I were to win the game, I would win the championship. (But I am lossing and it is unlikely to win!)
Example 2: If the weather were nicer, we could eat outside. (But it is cool and we have to ear indoors.)
Example 3: If I had more time to write the exam, I could make a difference. (But it is unlikely to be able to make the difference!)
Example 4: If I were you, I would phone home regularily.


1) PAST condition
HAD it DONE, I would have been more free!
HAD the weather BEEN nicer, we could have eaten outside.

2) PRESENT condition
WERE the team TO WIN the game, it would win the championship.
WERE the weather nicer, we could eat outside.
HAD he more time for the exam, he might make a difference.

On Thursday, August 25, 2005 :: 3:50 PM

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